Prof. Amaresh Chakrabarti

Founder & Co-ordinator, IDeaS Lab

Amaresh Chakrabarti is a Senior Professor and current Chairman for Centre for Product Design & Manufacturing, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. He founded IDeASLab – India's frst Design Observatory. He is an Honorary Fellow of Institution of Engineering Designers, the peer society under the UK Royal Charter in engg design, and TUM Ambassador Awardee from TU Munich Germany. He co-initiated India's first Smart Factory R&D platform. He also heads IISc-TCS Innovation Lab, IISc Press, and Springer Intl Book Series 'Design Science & Innovation', and chairs the Smart Manufacturing Standards Committee of the Bureau of Indian Standards. He is also among the global top 1% of researchers in 'Design Practice & Management' and is the current Editor-in-Chief for AI EDAM Journal.