Faculty >                  Haresh Dagale

Haresh Dagale

Principal Research Scientist

Areas of Interest

Embedded systems, TCP-IP networking, wireless networking, VoIP and audio video streaming.



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Ph.D. [Specialization], University, year
Degree, [Specialization], University, year
Degree, [Specialization], University, year


Addressing ICS Security Challenges using Simplex Architecture; Karnoor S.B.;Mathiyazhagan P.;Dagale H.;Singh C.; International Symposium on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems, ANTS, Volume 2021-December, Year 2021, Pages 119-124.

An IOT based network management system for enterprise network; Vignesh N.;Lohith R.;Arun Kumar S.;Dagale H.;Sangeeta K.; Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference On Smart Technology for Smart Nation, SmartTechCon 2017, Year 2018, Pages 1089-1093.

Secure communication and firewall architecture for IoT applications; Maheshwari N.;Dagale H.;

10th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks, COMSNETS 2018, Volume 2018-January, Year 2018, Pages 328-335.

CyPhyS+: A Reliable and Managed Cyber-Physical System for Old-Age Home Healthcare over a 6LoWPAN Using Wearable Motes; Dagale H.;Anand S.V.R.;Hegde M.;Purohit N.;Supreeth M.K.;Gill G.S.;Ramya V.;Shastry A.;Narasimman S.;Lohith Y.S.;Surya P.; Proceedings - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2015, Year 2015, Pages 309-316.

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