Students > 2017 Batch > Vinay Pandu

Vinay Pandu

Areas of Interest

Biomedicine,Personal transit,Appliances,Weaponry

About me

An enthusiast of innovation.
Currently pursuing my Maters in
Product Design and Manufacturing
from Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.
Would like to have more exposure
in the field of Biomedicine,
Personal transit, appliances and
weaponry. I am known for my
adaption and my ability to
coordinate with the team.



+91 - 9611895977


Patient Transfer System
Socket Design for prosthesis
Garden Waste Pelletizer
Driver Monitoring System
Aid for Snake/Insect Bites

CPDM-IISc@2016, All rights reserved. Designed and Developed at CPDM by Samrat Sankhya, Amlan Mukerjee and Budhaditya Mitra.