James Dyson Design Award India 2021

James Dyson Design Award India 2021
LifeBox was declared the national winner of the James Dyson Design Award 2021. LifeBox is an active heart preservation container for extending out-of-body viable time during transport for ransplant. This project is undertaken by Mr. Deval Karia under the guidance of Prof. B. Gurumoorthy, Prof. Ashitava Ghosal and Dr. Manish
Arora from llSc in collaboration with clinicians Dr. K. Balakrishnan and Dr. Anitha from MGM Healthcare, Chennai. The project is financially supported by Design Innovation Centre, CPDM run by Prof. Gurumoorthy, and has also been awarded the PACE grant from BIRAC, Dept of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of lndia.