Biomedical Devices, Co-Design, Collaboration and Open-Source in Design
See UTSAAH Lab Website
Mechatronics (JAN)PD215 Course Webpage
Design of BioMedical Devices and Systems (AUG) PD233 Course Webpage
BTech. – Chemical Engineering (IIT Delhi)
PhD -Applied Physics (University of Twente, the Netherlands)
Professional Experience
University of Oxford, UK (2006-10)
GE Global Research (2010-12)
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2012-14)
- +91 – 9980836174
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest Biomedical Devices, Co-Design, Collaboration and Open-Source in Design See UTSAAH Lab Website...
Areas of Interest
Core Engineering Area (Electronics and Instrumentation): Analogue and digital electronics, Power electronics, Embedded systems, Sensory and actuatory systems, Control systems, Spatiotemporal signal processing
Interdisciplinary Engineering Area: Haptics, Biomedical engineering, Point-of-care technologies, Rehabilitation engineering, Mechatronics, Robotics, IoT, Renewable energy systems, Distributed transduction
Basic Science Area (Physiology and Psychology): Physiological modeling especially related to biological sensory systems, Lumped parameter modeling of bio-electrical and bio-mechanical systems, Electrophysiology, Psychophysics.
PD230 Haptic Systems Design (Elective)
PD236 Embodiment Design
PD204 Basics of Electronics for Product Design & Manufacturing
PD206 Basics of Comp. AI & Data Sc. for Design & Manufacturing
PhD (Applied Mechanics), IIT Madras, 2015
ME (Biomedical Engg.), Jadavpur University, 2008
BTech (Electronics & Instrumentation), Univ. of Kalyani, 2006
Industrial projects:
CNBP Tracking Device Suitable for ICU (Dynocardia)
Solar MPPT Charge Controller (Abhipsita Technologies)
Wireless EMG Monitor for Sports (Abhipsita Technologies)
Wireless EEG Monitor for Gaming (Merkel Haptic Systems)
Efficient Industrial and Street Lights (Gears Energy Solutions)
Decorative and Signboard Lights (Gears Energy Solutions)
Upto16-DoF Haptic Device Driver (Markel Haptic Systems)
Robotic Vacuum Cleaner (Robhatah Robotic Solutions)
Academic Projects:
Tactile Blood Pressure Imaging (MIT & Tufts, Funded by NIH)
Neurophysiological Modeling of Pacinian Corpuscle (IITM)
Navigational Aid for Blind People (Jadavpur University)
Bipedal Motion of Humanoid Robot (University of Kalyani)
Professional Experience
Chief of R&D & Founder, Abhipsita Technologies, Kolkata, IN
Chief of R&D and Founding Member, Dynocardia, MA, USA
Chief of R&D, Merkel Haptic Systems, Chennai, IN
Sr. Scientist (Part-Time), IC&SR IIT Madras, Chennai, IN
Postdoc Research Associate, RLE & CSAIL MIT, MA, USA
GM R&D, Gears Energy Solutions, Jaipur, IN
Sr. R&D Eng., Robhatah Robotic Solutions, Bangalore, IN
- Departmentof DM, IISc, Bangalore
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest Core Engineering Area (Electronics and Instrumentation): Analogue and digital electronics, Power electronics, Embedded...
Design Synthesis and Creativity Eco-Design and Sustainability AI and Data Analytics Product Informatics Smart Manufacturing Biomedical Devices Sensors/Actuators
PD203 Creative Engineering Design
PD221 Methodology for Design Research
BE (Mechanical Engineering): IIEST, Shibpur, India
ME (Mechanical Systems Design): IISc, Bangalore, India
PhD (Engineering Design): University of Cambridge, UK
(Some of the Current Projects):
Sustainable Manufacturing (Boeing)
Network-Enabled Manufacturing (Boeing)
Biomedical Devices (DBT)
Devices for the Elderly (DST)
Rationale Capture for Space Mechanisms (ISRO)
See list of publications in IdeasLab website:
Professional Experience
Design Engineer, Hindustan Motors, Kolkata
Research Associate, U of Cambridge, UK
Senior Research Associate, U of Cambridge, UK
Collaborative Projects
International Project on Cultures of Creativity (with U of Northumbria, UK, Sapienza U of Rome, Italy, Carleton U, Canada)
Indo-US Center of Excellence on Sustainable Manufacturing (with UC Berkeley, NIST, Washington State U, Syracuse U, CSTEP Bangalore, IIM Ahmedabad, National Innovation Foundation)
Professor & Chairman
Areas of Interest Design Synthesis and Creativity Eco-Design and Sustainability AI and Data Analytics Product...
Human Computer Interaction, User Modelling, Multimodal Interaction, Intelligent Interaction
Human Computer Interaction
PhD (University of Cambridge) 2010
1. Gentle User Interfaces for Elderly (GUIDE), funded by the European Commission (2010-13)
2. India-UK Advanced Technology Centre of Excellence (IUATC), funded by UK EPSRC (2012 – 2015)
3. Evolutionary Human-Machine Interfaces (Evo-HMI) funded by the British Aerospace Systems (2013 – 2015)
4. MATSA project funded by Jaguar Land Rover (2015 – 2016)
P. Biswas, Using Eye Gaze Controlled Interfaces in Automotive Environments, Springer, (To be released in 2016)
P. Biswas, Inclusive Human Machine Interaction for India, Springer 2014, ISBN 978-3-319-06165-8
Full List at
Professional Experience
Member of Advisory Board of EU Prosperity4All project
Vice Chairman at International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T, Telecom branch of UNO) Focus Group on Smart TV and Working Group Coordinator at ITU-T Focus Group on Audio Visual Media Accessibility
- +91 – 8022932359
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest Human Computer Interaction, User Modelling, Multimodal Interaction, Intelligent Interaction Courses Human Computer...
Vehicle Crash worthiness and Occupant Safety; Pedestrian Safety; Impact Modeling and Testing; Behavior of Lightweight Materials under Impact Loading.
Design of Automotive Systems; Design and Prototyping of Lightweight Electric Vehicles; Practical Multidisciplinary (Vehicle) Design Optimization (MDO) involving NVH, Durability, Vehicle Dynamics, Vehicle Crash Safety, etc.; Integrated Multi-Physics Approach to IC Engine Design; Lumped Parameter Modeling of Vehicle Suspension Systems; Explicit Nonlinear Dynamic Finite Element Modeling of Wheel Bearings.
Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) in Design; Constitutive Modeling
CAE-Driven Design of Medical Implants
See More Details
See More Details
Areas of Interest Vehicle Crash worthiness and Occupant Safety; Pedestrian Safety; Impact Modeling and Testing;...
CAD, Product Informatics, Computational Metrology, Computer Aided Prototyping
PD 202 Elements of Solid and Fluid Mechanics (with JH Arakeri)
PD229 Computer Aided Product Design (with A Ghosal)
ME295 Geometric Modelling for CAD (with D Sen)
B Tech Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras (1982)
M. E. Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh USA (1984)
Ph. D. Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh USA (1987)
Areas of Interest CAD, Product Informatics, Computational Metrology, Computer Aided Prototyping Courses PD 202 Elements...
Human Factors Engineering, Biomechanics, Product Design, Medical Engineering, Rehabilitation engineering, Occupational health & safety, Biosensor design, Medical instrumentation, Work & Sports engineering and related design.
Applied Ergonomics (PD 231)
M.Sc. in Human Physiology, Vidyasagar University
M.Tech. in Biomedical Engineering, IIT Bombay
Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, IIT Bombay
1. Study on manual lifting multipliers
2. Reverse engineering for generating CAD parameters from 3D scanned image point cloud data
3. Joint biomechanics in different postures both in clinical and 4. Study on Heart rate variability during dynamic exercise
5. Study on thermal sensation response of Indians (both experimental and computational)
6. Bone segmentation by image processing techniques and curvature analysis
7. constitutive modeling of different human joints and FE analysis
8. Design of biosensors for recording PPG, HR, heart and lung sound, foot sole pressure etc.
9. Estimation of muscular fatigue during dynamic contraction using different DSP techniques
10. Detailed study on human muscle dynamics using multi-electrode array technology
11. Biomechanical study (FEM based) on osteoarthritis
12. Design of above-knee (trans-femoral) prosthesis
Professional Experience
Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Industrial Engineering, Pohang University of Science & Technology, South Korea
Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Computer Science, Pohang University of Science & Technology, South Korea
Faculty Consultant, NITIE, Mumbai
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest Human Factors Engineering, Biomechanics, Product Design, Medical Engineering, Rehabilitation engineering, Occupational health...
Robotics & Automation, Collaborative Mobile Robots (Aerial/Terrestrial/Marine), Human-Robot Collaboration, Mechatronics, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics
MN 207 Intelligent Mobile Robotics: Perception, Action and Control PD 215 Mechatronics
CCE Introduction to Robotics
Ph.D. (Robotics & Control Systems), National University of Singapore (NUS), 2015
Selected Distinctions
1. Isambard Kingdom Brunel Academy Fellow (UK)
2. Senior Member IEEE, USA
3. Distinguished Expert member of the ‘Waste Management &Technology Development Board’, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India
4. Member, IEEE CSS Technology Conferences Editorial Board (TCEB)
5. Academic Advisor for Team IISc Ranked 2nd in the IROS – METRICS HEART-MET Assistive Robot Activity Recognition Challenge 2022 held at IEEE/RSJ
6. Member & Academic Advisor for Team IISc – Ranked 3rd at RAMI Aerial Robot Competition, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) Prague, Czech Republic 2021
7. Singapore Good Design (SG Mark) Award, Virgo Intelligent Robot, Singapore, 2017
8. IEEE IAS Best PhD Thesis Award, Texas, USA, 2015
9. Best Student Conference Paper Award, SICE Annual Conference, Sapporo, Japan, 2014
10. IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) Scholarship, Massachusetts, USA, 2013
11. Best Student Conference Paper Award: IEEE-ICROS ICCAS, Jeju, S. Korea, 2012
12. President of India Gold Medal, Best IIT Student of the year, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), BHU Varanasi, India, 2010
1. Design & Development of AI based Human interactive Active Side Haptic Control Stick (ASCS) for A Fly-By-Wire Supersonic Aircraft under Research Consultancy Grant, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Govt. of India, 2023 – 24
2. Human-Robot Collaboration with Multi-Robot System for Smart Manufacturing under Brunel University London (UK) – IISc Bangalore (India) International Collaboration Programme and Brunel Academy Fellowship 2023
3. Usability Assessment and Review of Design and Manufacturing of Automated Utility Pole Inspection Robot and its Safety features under Research Consultancy Grant for British Telecom UK (through Wipro Ltd. India) 2022-2023
4. “A Low-Cost Bio-inspired Autonomous Multi-modal Mobile Collaborative Robotic System for Inspection & Surveillance Work in Constrained Conditions” under Core Research Grant (CRG) 2021 – 2024, Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. One of the prestigious career grants in India to support active researchers in frontier areas of Science and Engineering
5. Monocopter Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (MONOCO), supported by Future Systems and Technology Directorate (FSTD), Govt. of Singapore, Temasek Labs and Singapore-MIT Design Center, 2018 – 2019
6. Systems Technology for Autonomous Reconnaissance & Surveillance, Terrestrial Robot (STARS), supported by Future Systems and Technology Directorate (FSTD), Govt. of Singapore, Temasek Labs and Singapore-MIT Design Center, 2016 – 2018
7. Amphibious Robotic Vehicle for Service and Inspection, supported by Electrical and Computer Engineering, NUS and Planning & Process Development Wing, Public Utilities Board (PUB) Singapore 2014 – 2015
8. Bioinspired Robotic Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (STARFISH II), supported by by NATO Undersea Research Centre (NURC), Italy and Defense Science and Technology Agency (DSTA), Govt. of Singapore, 2011 – 2015
Professional Experience
1. Senior Member IEEE USA.
2. Senior Research Fellow, Temasek Labs & Engineering Product Development, Singapore University of Technology and Design, 2016 -19.
3. Teaching Fellow, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS), 2015.
4. Senior Engineer, LG Electronics India Pty. Ltd., 2010.
5. Executive Committee Member of IEEE Robotics & Autonomous Systems Society (RAS) and Ocean Energy Society (OES) Singapore Chapter.
Additional Information
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest Robotics & Automation, Collaborative Mobile Robots (Aerial/Terrestrial/Marine), Human-Robot Collaboration, Mechatronics, Bioinspiration &...
Geometric and Topological Modeling
Digital Human Modeling and Posturing
Geometric and Functional Vision Modeling
Natural Behaviour and Grasp Modeling
Kinematic Assembly Modeling
Deployable Antena Mechanisms
Underactuated and Spring Actuated Mechanisms
Pseudo-Spatial Mechanisms and Patterns
Assembly Sequencing
Flexible Assembly, Routing and Harnessing
Feature Based Registration
Statistical Shape Modeling
Haptic Array Systems Design
Mechanism Modeling and Design
Mobility of Smooth Contacting Objects
Design for Additive Manufacturing of Articulation
Applied Ergonomics (PD-231)
Mechanism Design (PD-235)
Geometric Modeling for CAD (ME-294)
PhD, IISc, 1997
MSc(Engg), IISc, 1993
BE, REC Durgapur, 1989
1.Telehaptics for Remote Patient Examination (Sponsor: Robert Bosch Centre, IISc)
2.PURAK: Wearable Devices for Distal Arm Functionality Rehabilitation (Sponsor: Wellcome Trust, UK) [with Dr. M. Thompson, Prof. Mary Mathew, Prof. B. Gurumoorthy, Prof. Alison Noble]
3.Digital Human Modeling for Build Process Simulation (Sponsor: Boeing Co., USA) [with Prof. A. Chakrabarti and Prof. B. Gurumoorthy]
4.Technological Data Analysis for Network Enabled Manufaturing (Sponsor: Boeing Co., USA) [with Prof. A. Chakrabarti and Prof. B. Gurumoorthy]
5.Designed Biomaterial Devices for Limb Salvage Implant for Distal Femur, Proximal Tibia and Proximal Femur (Sponsor: DST) [with Prof. B. Basu, MRC]
6.ICU Simulator (Sponsor: DBT) [with Dr. J.E. Diwakar and Prof. J. H Arakeri]
7.Postoperative Cardiac ICU Simulator for Nurses (Sponsor: Karnataka Govt) [with Dr. J.E. Diwakar and Prof. B. Gurumoorthy]
8.Geriatric Product Development (Sponsor: DST-TIDE Programme) (with Prof. G.K. Ananthasuresh]
9.Direct Solar Lighting System (Sponsor: Design Innovation Centre, CPDM, IISc) [with Prof. A. Chakrabarti]
10.Cotton Picking Device (Sponsor: Design Innovation Centre, CPDM, IISc)
1.K Ramakrishna, D Sen, “Transitory second-order reciprocal connection for two surfaces in point contact”, Mechanism and Machine Theory 86, 73-87, 2015.
2.B Santhi, A Chakrabarti, B Gurumoorthy, D Sen, “Identification of Distinct Events in an Assembly by Automatically Tracking Body Postures”, ICoRD 2015 – Research into Design Across Boundaries Volume 2, 327-338, 2015.
3.KM Chandran, P Prabhune, D Sen, “Sound Association for Product-Sound Design Using Semiotics”, ICoRD 2015 – Research into Design Across Boundaries Volume 1, 491-503, 2015.
4.AK Swain, D Sen, B Gurumoorthy, “Extended liaison as an interface between product and process model in assembly”, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 30 (5), 527-545, 2014.
5.K Ramakrishna, D Sen, “Curvature based mobility analysis and form closure of smooth planar curves with multiple contacts”, Mechanism and Machine Theory 75, 131-149, 2014.
6.M Deb, D Sen, “Design of double toggle switching mechanisms”, Mechanism and Machine Theory 71, 163-190, 2014.
Areas of Interest Geometric and Topological Modeling Digital Human Modeling and Posturing Geometric and Functional...
Polymer based composites, Bio-Composites, Foam based materials, Synthesis/Manufacturing of lightweight materials, testing of lightweight materials, Computer Aided Design and Analysis of lightweight materials, Optimization & DOE based studies, Design and Application of developed/Novel lightweight materials.
Elements of Design
Product Visualization and Communication
PhD (IISc)
ME (Manufacturing science and engineering),UVCE Bangalore
BE (Production engineering), SIT,Tumkur
Journals papers-12
Conference proceedings-15
Principal Research Scientist
Areas of Interest Polymer based composites, Bio-Composites, Foam based materials, Synthesis/Manufacturing of lightweight materials, testing...
Built Environment (BE) and construction management: Building Information Modeling, Digitalization, Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing for BE, Productization and products for BE (modular construction, building accessories and equipment)
Design and design management: 11
Innovation and innovation management: Innovation ecosystem (Product development and entrepreneurship), Multidisciplinary collaboration, Systemic innovation (Product Service Systems, Sharing in design), Thinking paradigms (Design thinking, computational thinking, systems thinking)
PD 201 Elements of design
PD 211 Product design
PD 206 Basics of Comp. AI & Data Sc. for Design & Manufacturing
Phd, University of Sydney
M.Des, Indian Institute of Science
B.Arch, Birla Institute of Technology
Some of the project topics worked on/ initiated before joining IISc (before March 2020)
Sharing in design
BIM, IoT and linked data in construction and facilities management
Interactive learning platform for building and construction education
Multidisciplinary expertise in design and design teams
Digital Construction workflows
Generative and algorithmic design in architecture and construction
BIM ecosystem- BIM adoption, implementation and innovation management
Agent based modelling and simulations for design studies
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor, Aalto University, Finland
Co-founder & Chairman of Board, Visualynk Oy, Finland
Director- Construction Innovation Hub, Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Postdoctoral Research Fellow- Deakin University, Australia
Research Assistant- University of Newcastle/ Australia
- +91 – 9931557854
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest Built Environment (BE) and construction management: Building Information Modeling, Digitalization, Industry 4.0 and...
Compliant Mechanisms, Design optimization, Topology optimization, Mechanisms and kinematics, MEMS, Biomechanics, Micromanipulation, and Protein design
ME 237: Mechanics of Microsystems
ME 256: Variational Methods and Structural Optimization
ME 260: Topology Optimization
BE 206: Introduction to Biomechanics of Solids
BTech (1989), IIT-Madras, Chennai
MS (1991), U. of Toledo, Toledo, OH, USA
PhD (1994), U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
As of 2015 Sep. (current projects)
1. Development of an Endoscopy Simulator
2. Soil-moisture sensors
3. An easy “sit-to-stand” chair for the elderly
4. Modeling of plant leaves
5. Micromanipulation and mechanical characterization of biological cells
6. Design of circuit-breakers
As of Sep. 2015
Journal: 80
Books: 6
Book-chapters: 13
Conference full papers: 156
Professional Experience
Editorial boards of more than 10 journals in the last 10 years.
Consultancy with Indian and Multi-national Industries in the area of design.
Office-bearer and member of six professional societies in India and absroad.
Collaborative Projects
1. Bioengineering and Biodesign Initiative
Areas of Interest Compliant Mechanisms, Design optimization, Topology optimization, Mechanisms and kinematics, MEMS, Biomechanics, Micromanipulation,...
Healthcare Technologies, Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS), Flexible Electronics, Microchips/needles for Neuromodulation, Stroke & Epilepsy, Cancer (Brain, Breast, Head & Neck) Screening and Diagnosis
E3 276: Process Technology and System Engineering for Advanced Microsensors and Devices (2:1)
(Page no: 143)(Click here)
• Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, 2013
• Post-Graduation in Electronic Science (Gold Medalist), SPU, 2004
• Graduation in Electronic Science, SPU, 2002
Awards and Distinctions
• Short Term Travel Grant for International research collaboration for visiting United Kingdom from TATA Trusts (2019)
• Tata Trusts Travel Grant for International conferences/Symposium for attending the conference in Spain (2019)
• IISc Institute of Eminence (IoE) Travel Grant for attending the conference in London (2019)
• Early Career Research Award from Science and Engineering Research Board, Govt. of India (2017)
• International Symposium on Semiconductor Materials and Devices (ISSMD) (2011) (Best Poster Presentation)
• Travel Grant for attending SENSOR DEVICES 2011, NICE, France from IIT Delhi and Department of Biotechnology (DBT) (2011)
• Travel Grant for attending ICMAT 2011 from Centre for Cooperation (CICS) (2011)
• Gold Medal: Post-graduation, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat (2004)
• A Steerable Intubation Catheter Integrated with MEMS-Based Sensor for Characterizing Upper Airway Malformation in Infants
• Development and Clinical Validation of an Electro-Thermo-Mechanical Phenotyping-based Cancer Prognostic Tool for Better Disease Management of Breast Cancer
• Development of an Intraoperative Probe for Brain Tumour Delineation
• Handheld Electronic Tool for Impedance-Sensing Detection of Mercury in Water using Aptamer Templated Metal Nanoparticles
• Development of a Microfluidics based Point-of-Care Device for Intra-Operative Detection of Metastatic Lymph Nodes in Oral Cancer
• Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance at its Source: Prospecting for AMR ‘Potentiation’ and Translation into Clinical Decision Making
• Developing Acquisition and Data Analytical protocols for Single-Event P300 Brain Event-Related Potentials
• A MEMS-based Microfluidic Platform for Sensitive and Rapid Bacterial Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing
• Design and Development of a Micro-engineered Device with Electronic Systems for Rapid Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis
• Fabricating Novel Micro-Electrode Cannula Arrays to Design Neuroprotective Therapies for Acute Stroke and Epilepsy
• Neonatal Hearing Screening Headband for Brainstem and Cortical Response Extraction
• Minimally Invasive Bioresorbable Devices for Recording ECoG Signals
• Design and Development of a Smart Catheter Integrated with a New Class of Micro-Force Sensors
Publications (Peer-Reviewed Journals and Conferences): 48
Patents Filed/Granted: 11
Book Chapters: 02
Professional Experience
• Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic Systems Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 01/2017 – Present
• Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital-Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 02/2016-12/2016
• Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland College Park, Maryland, USA, 07/2014-01/2016
• Faculty Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland College Park, Maryland, USA, 09/2012-06/2014
• Lecturer, Department of Electronics, Invertis Institute of Engineering and Technology, Bareilly, India, 08/2006-02/2009
Collaborative Projects
• Rat Treadmill for Linear Track Navigation (Prof. Rishikesh Narayan, MBU, IISc)
• Rat maze for curiosity behavior analysis (Prof. Laxmi Rao, NIMHANS)
• Portable platform for the measurement of electromechanical properties of brain tissues for improving tumour resection (Prof. Anita Mahadevan, NIMHANS)
• Steerable intubation catheter integrated with MEMS-based flow and stiffness sensors for chronic airway management (Dr. Sanjay Rao, Mazumdar Shaw Cancer Centre, Bangalore)
• Development and Clinical Validation of an Electro-Thermo-Mechanical Phenotyping-based Cancer Prognostic Tool for Better Disease Management of Breast Cancer (Dr. Gayatri Gogoi (Assam Medical College))
• Development of a portable platform for rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing for effective detection and treatment of urinary tract infection, neonatal sepsis, and other bacterial infections (Dr. Prathik B H (Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, RGUHS))
• Smart catheters integrated with force sensors and haptic feedback for cardiac ablation and other electrophysiological procedures (Dr. Deepak Padmanabhan (Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research))
• Development of a Microfluidics based Point-of-Care Device for Intra-Operative Detection of Metastatic Lymph Nodes in Oral Cancer (Dr. Manjula Das (MSMF))
• Design and development of an automated part inspection system (Prof. Amaresh Chakrabarti, CPDM, IISc)
• Designing an automated algorithm to detect seizures using previously recorded electroencephalograms of diagnosed epilepsy patients in a tertiary care center: A pilot study (Prof. Latika Mohan (AIIMS Rishikesh))
• Development of a headgear integrated with electronic modules for neonatal auditory screening (Dr. Mahesh Jayachandra (SJRI and IISc), Dr. Niranjan H S (Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Bengaluru, Karnataka), and Dr. Manjunath Dandi (Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubbali))
Clinical Collaborators:
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest Healthcare Technologies, Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS), Flexible Electronics, Microchips/needles for Neuromodulation, Stroke &...
Friction studies during metal forming/cutting, Friction stir welding
Design and development of special purpose machines
- ME 228 Materials and Structure Property Correlation
- PD 205 Materials Manufacturing and Design
- Dixit, S., Mahata, A., Mahapatra, D. R., Kailas, S. V., & Chattopadhyay, K. (2018). Multi-layer graphene reinforced aluminum–Manufacturing of high strength composite by friction stir alloying.Composites Part B: Engineering, 136, 63-71.
- Kumar, A., Yadav, D., Perugu, C. S., & Kailas, S. V. (2017). Influence of particulate reinforcement on microstructure evolution and tensile properties of in-situ polymer derived MMC by friction stir processing.Materials & Design, 113, 99-108.
- Madhu, H. C., & Kailas, S. V. (2018). Fabrication of localised aluminium foam by a novel polymeric blowing agent.Materials Characterization, 142, 340-351.
- Kar, A., Suwas, S., & Kailas, S. V. (2018). Two-pass friction stir welding of aluminum alloy to titanium alloy: A simultaneous improvement in mechanical properties. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 733, 199-210.
Sponsored Projects
- Mechanical Joining of Al, steels and polymers, CAR-DST-TDB
- Factors influencing friction in friction drives, Nissan, Japan
Additional Information
- Editorial Board Member/ Associate Editor of:
- ASME Journal of Tribology
- STLE Tribology Transactions
- Wear
- Friction
- Tribology Online
- Chairman of the Interface committee, IISc
- Chairman of Students Affairs Committee, IISc
PhD, IISc, Bangalore, 1994
ME, IISc, Bangalore, 1989
BTech, Govt. Engineering College, Trichur, 1987
Research Interests Friction studies during metal forming/cutting, Friction stir welding Design and development of special...
Sustainable architecture and design, Climate-responsive architecture/green buildings(BiPV), Design/technology Sustainability evaluation and forecasting
B.Arch(1995)University of Pune
M.Tech(1997) IIT Madras
Ph.D(2003) IIT Madras
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest Sustainable architecture and design, Climate-responsive architecture/green buildings(BiPV), Design/technology Sustainability evaluation and forecasting...
Processing-texture relationship
Deformation and thermo-mechanical processing
Microstructure-mechanical property correlation
Additive Manufacturing
MN 201: Materials and Processes
MSc (1991), Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
MTech (1994), IIT Kanpur, India
PhD (1999), IIT Kanpur, India
As of 2020 (current projects)
1. Deformation behaviour and control of microstructure and texture in gamma based TiAI intermetallics for Gas Turbine Application
2. Development of an innovative process to fabricate ultra-fine grained bimetallic thin sheets for microforming application
3. High strength, wear and corrosion resistant steel for high speed rail and elastic clip
4. Microstructural characterization of Mechanically tested 304HCu SS, Alloy 617M and alloy 625
5. Understanding the micro-mechanisms of texture evolution and micro-mechanisms of texture evolution and microstructure formation during dynamic recrystallization of a boron added P91 steel
Journal: 277
Books: 3
Conference full papers: 18
Professional Experience
Editorial boards of several journals
Consultancy with Indian and Multi-national Industries
Office-bearer and member of various professional societies in India and abroad.
Professional Experience
Editorial boards of several journals
Consultancy with Indian and Multi-national Industries
Office-bearer and member of various professional societies in India and abroad.
Areas of Interest Processing-texture relationship Deformation and thermo-mechanical processing Microstructure-mechanical property correlation Additive Manufacturing Courses...
Biomaterials for Hard Tissue Replacement Applications External Field Assisted Cell-Biomaterial Interaction Spark Plasma Sintering of Nanoceramics And Nanoceramic Composite.
MR 203: Introduction to Biomaterials
BE201: Fundamentals of Biomaterials and Living systems
CD222: Materials Chemistry; MR302: Crystal Defects and Properties
Ph.D. [Materials Engineering], Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 2001
M.E., [Metallurgy], Indian Institute of Science, 1997
B.E., [Metallurgical Engineering], NIT Durgapur, India, 1995
Osteogenesis, hemocompatibility, and foreign body response of polyvinylidene difluoride-based composite reinforced with carbonaceous filler and higher volume of piezoelectric ceramic phase; Bhaskar, N., Basu, B.Biomaterials, 2023, 297, 122100.
Early-stage corrosion of IN 740H alloy in eutectic NaCl-KCl molten salt at high temperatures; Gore, P., Singh, M.P., Suryateja, D., Basu, B., Chattopadhyay, K.;Solar Energy, 2023, 252, pp. 330-341.
Electrical field stimulated modulation of cell fate of pre-osteoblasts on PVDF/BT/MWCNT based electroactive biomaterials; Bhaskar, N., Kachappilly, M.C., Bhushan, V., Pandya, H.J., Basu, B. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research – Part A, 2023, 111(3), pp. 340-353.
Preclinical study probing primary stability of dental implants in synthetic and natural bones, Shetty, V., Santhosh Kumar, S., Mishra, D., Barui, S., Basu, B.; International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2023, 20(2), pp. 842-855.
Professor Materials Research Center
Areas of Interest Biomaterials for Hard Tissue Replacement Applications External Field Assisted Cell-Biomaterial Interaction Spark...
Biomaterials (Metals and Polymers), Additive manufacturing and 3D printing
Tissue engineering and bioprinting
MT 271: Introduction to Biomaterials
UE 202: Introduction to Materials
Ph.D. [Bioengineering] Pennsylvania State University, 2007
M.S. [Materials Science and Engineering] University of Virginia, 2003
B.E. [Metallurgical Engineering] Bengal Engineering College, year, 2001
Deformation processing of lightweight structural metals: Correlating surface flow fields, energy dissipation and product quality through in situ analyses (DST SERB): 2019-2022.
Shear banding dynamics in structural alloys under impact loading (ISRO STC): 2019-2022
Modular Additive Manufacturing: Systems for hybrid and remanufacturing applications (MHRD IoE): 2019-2021
S.B. Gugulothu, K. Chatterjee: “Visible light-based 4D-bioprinted tissue scaffold” ACS Macro Letters 2023, 12: 494-502
A. Joshi*, S. Choudhury*, V.S. Baghel, S. Ghosh, S. Gupta, D. Lahiri, G.K. Ananthasuresh, K. Chatterjee: “4D printed programmable shape-morphing hydrogels as intraoperative self-folding nerve conduits for sutureless neurorrhaphy” Advanced Healthcare Materials 2023: in-press (*equal contribution)
S. Indrakumar, A. Joshi, T. Dash, V. Mishra, B. Tandon, K. Chatterjee: “Photopolymerized silk fibroin gel for advanced burn wound care” International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2023, 233: 123569
S. Nilawar, Mohankumar B.S., K. Chatterjee: “Nanoceria-decorated graphene nanosheets enhance mechanical properties and bioactivity of a degradable polyurethane for biomedical applications” Journal of Polymers and the Environment 2023: in-press
Areas of Interest Biomaterials (Metals and Polymers), Additive manufacturing and 3D printing Tissue engineering and...
Embedded systems, TCP-IP networking, wireless networking, VoIP and audio video streaming.
Ph.D. [Specialization], University, year
Degree, [Specialization], University, year
Degree, [Specialization], University, year
Addressing ICS Security Challenges using Simplex Architecture; Karnoor S.B.;Mathiyazhagan P.;Dagale H.;Singh C.; International Symposium on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems, ANTS, Volume 2021-December, Year 2021, Pages 119-124.
An IOT based network management system for enterprise network; Vignesh N.;Lohith R.;Arun Kumar S.;Dagale H.;Sangeeta K.; Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference On Smart Technology for Smart Nation, SmartTechCon 2017, Year 2018, Pages 1089-1093.
Secure communication and firewall architecture for IoT applications; Maheshwari N.;Dagale H.;
10th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks, COMSNETS 2018, Volume 2018-January, Year 2018, Pages 328-335.
CyPhyS+: A Reliable and Managed Cyber-Physical System for Old-Age Home Healthcare over a 6LoWPAN Using Wearable Motes; Dagale H.;Anand S.V.R.;Hegde M.;Purohit N.;Supreeth M.K.;Gill G.S.;Ramya V.;Shastry A.;Narasimman S.;Lohith Y.S.;Surya P.; Proceedings – 2015 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2015, Year 2015, Pages 309-316.
Principal Research Scientist
Areas of Interest Embedded systems, TCP-IP networking, wireless networking, VoIP and audio video streaming. Education...
Study of pattern formation in self-organizing systems; Quantitative phase-field models for different phenomena; Integration of different modelling techniques; Modelling and experimental study of solidification; Phase transformations.
PhD, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, 2012
Dual Degree (B.Tech + M.Tech)(2008), IIT Madras, 2008
Computational and experimental investigation of three-phase growth during directional solidification, Funding Agency : SERB, 59 lakhs 2017 – 2020
Multi-institutional Clean-Coal project, Funding Agency : DST-SERB, 10 crores 2018
Role of interfacial energy and liquid diffusivities on pattern formation during thin-film three-phase eutectic growth, Sumeet Khanna, Abhik Choudhury, Journal of Materials Science volume 56, pages 17646-17664 (2021)
Exotic three-phase microstructures in the ternary Ag-Cu-Sb eutectic system, Aramanda Shanmukha Kiran, Kamanio Chattopadhyay, Abhik Choudhury, Acta Materialia 221(1-2):117400 (2021)
Three-Phase Eutectic Microstructures: Influence of Interfacial Energy Anisotropy and Solute Diffusivities, Sumeet Khanna, Abhik Choudhury; Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A volume 52, pages 4246-4263 (2021)
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest Study of pattern formation in self-organizing systems; Quantitative phase-field models for different...
Light Metals/Composites and Manufacturing processes; Casting & Solidification Injection moulding of ceramics, metal and polymers; Manufacturing process modelling; Powder Metallurgy, Bio-inspired manufacturing, Mechanics of Light alloys
MT 271: Introduction to Biomaterials
UE 202: Introduction to Materials
PhD, [Mechanical Engineering], Indian Institute of Science, 2016
MTech., Industrial Metallurgy, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, 2010
BTech., [Mechanical Engineering], WBUT (Kalyani Govt. Engineering College), 2008
Design, analysis and development of Rheo gravity die cast Al-15Mg2Si-4.5Si composite brake disc for automobile application (Funded by SERB-TETRA) (March’ 2022 to March’ 2024) (Role: PI)
Design and Development of Tooth colored Ceramic Dental Braces set by Micro-Ceramic Injection Moulding (Funded by DST-Science andSociety division under “SYST” scheme) (Feb’ 2020to Feb’ 2023) (Role:PI)
Design, analysis and development of Rheo gravity die cast Al-15Mg2Si-4.5Si composite based light weight Bucket links for Mining Excavators (Funded by Ministry of Mines) (Aug’ 2021 to Aug’ 2023) (Role: PI)
Optimisation of melt pouring temperature and low superheat casting of Al-15Mg2Si-4.5Si composite, P Das, International Journal of Cast Metals Reserach, 2023
Multiphase flow simulation and experimental validation of cooling slope Rheoprocessing of A380 alloy, P Das, International Journal of Metalcasting, 2023
Effect of Melt Treatment on Microstructure Evolution and Coarsening Mechanism of A356 Al Alloy During Cooling Slope Rheoprocessing, P Das, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2023
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest Light Metals/Composites and Manufacturing processes; Casting & Solidification Injection moulding of ceramics,...
Guidance and Control of Autonomous Vehicles
PhD., [Specialization], Indian Institute of Science, 1990
M.E. [Electrical Engineering], Indian Institute of Science, 1984
BSc. (Engg.), [Electrical Engineering], REC Rourkela, 1982
Rajashekhar, V.S., Ghose, D. (2023). Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis of a Six-Bar Aerial Gripper Mechanism. In: Gupta, V.K., Amarnath, C., Tandon, P., Ansari, M.Z. (eds) Recent Advances in Machines and Mechanisms. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
Jana S.;Majumder R.;Ghose D. (2023), Critical Medical Resource Allocation during COVID-19 Pandemic
Book Chapter 5th World Congress on Disaster Management: Volume III, Year 2023, Pages 275-283
Jana S.;Ghose D.; Optimal Lockdown Management Using Short Term Covid-19 Prediction Model;
Book Chapter 5th World Congress on Disaster Management: Volume III, Year 2023, Pages 60-64
S. Nath and D. Ghose, “Worst-Case Scenario Evasive Strategies in a Two-on-One Engagement Between Dubins’ Vehicles With Partial Information,” in IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 7, pp. 25-30, 2023.
Areas of Interest Guidance and Control of Autonomous Vehicles Education PhD., [Specialization], Indian Institute of...
Low-carbon building materials; Additive manufacturing; Bio-based building materials.
ST 221: Concrete Technology: fundamentals and sustainable practices
PhD., [Specialization], National University of Singapore (NUS), year
Degree, [Specialization], University, year
Degree, [Specialization], University, year
Souradeep Gupta, Aziz Hasan Mahmood; A multi-method investigation into rheological properties, hydration, and early-age strength of cement composites with admixtures recovered from inorganic and bio-based waste streams; Construction and Building Materials; Volume 347,2022, 128529.
Souradeep Gupta, Alireza Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood; Carbon sequestration in engineered lightweight foamed mortar – Effect on rheology, mechanical and durability properties; Construction and Building Materials, Volume 322, 2022, 126383.
Souradeep Gupta, Jean-Marc Tulliani, Harn Wei Kua; Carbonaceous admixtures in cementitious building materials: Effect of particle size blending on rheology, packing, early age properties and processing energy demand; Science of The Total Environment, Volume 807, Part 2, 2022, 150884.
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest Low-carbon building materials; Additive manufacturing; Bio-based building materials. Courses ST 221: Concrete...
Precision motion control, Nanometrology, Scanning Probe Microscopy, Design and modeling of MEMS, Micromanipulation, Instrumentation for real-world applications
IN227 Control System Design
ME227 Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems
PhD, [Mechanical Engineering], The Ohio State University, 2008
MS, [Mechanical Engineering], The Ohio State University, 2004
BTech, [Mechanical Engineering], IIT Madras, 2002
Fabrication and evaluation of atomic force microscope probes with detachable and re-usable tips, Imprint, 2016-2019
M. Narendra, B. N. Arya and G. R. Jayanth, “An electromagnetically actuated ball and socket joint for applications in 3-D metrology”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (Accepted, DOI:
S. B Lavanya and G. R. Jayanth, “Control of interaction force in constant-height contact mode atomic force microscopy”, Mechatronics, Vol. 88, 102914 (2022)
K. S. Vikrant and G. R. Jayanth, “Diamagnetically levitated nanopositioners with large range and multiple degrees of freedom”, Nature Communications, Vol. 13, 3334 (2022)
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest Precision motion control, Nanometrology, Scanning Probe Microscopy, Design and modeling of MEMS,...
Development and evaluation of Mathematical and Heuristic Optimization in Industrial Engineering, Operations Management, Logistics/Supply-Chain Management, Scheduling, Container Terminal Management and Research Methodology problems.
MG 261 – Operations Management
PhD, [Engineering], Indian Institute of Science, 2002
MS, [Engineering], Indian Institute of Science, 1995
MSc [Mathematics], 1983, Madurai Kamaraj University, 1983
Design, analysis and development of Rheo gravity die cast Al-15Mg2Si-4.5Si composite brake disc for automobile application (Funded by SERB-TETRA) (March’ 2022 to March’ 2024) (Role: PI)
M Mathirajan, V Barghav, and V Ramachandran. Minimizing Total Weighted Tardiness on a Batch Processing Machine with Non-Agreeable Release Times and Due Dates. To appear in International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. (Springer Publication)
Ravindra Gokhale and M. Mathirajan. Heuristic Algorithms for Scheduling of a Batch Processor in Automobile Gear Manufacturing. To appear in International Journal of Production Research. (Elsevier)
M Mathirajan, C V Hariharakrishnan, and V Ramachandran. An Experimental Evaluation of Heuristic Algorithms for Bus-Depot Matching Problem of Urban Road Transport Systems. To appear in OPSEARCH (Springer Publication).
M Mathirajan, Manoj Kumar, and V Ramachandran. A Design of Distribution Network and Development of Efficient Distribution Policy. To appear in International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management. (Inderscience).
Chief Research Scientist
Areas of Interest Development and evaluation of Mathematical and Heuristic Optimization in Industrial Engineering, Operations...
Communication Networks – Communication systems, sensor networks, energy harvesting systems.
Ph.D. [Specialization], University, year
Degree, [Specialization], University, year
Degree, [Specialization], University, year
Urban Air Mobility, Funding agency, project duration, funding
Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) and Tactile Cyber-Physical Systems, Funding agency, project duration, funding
Daisy Chain Power Over Ethernet, Funding agency, project duration, funding
Design of Dynamic MAC and PHY SoC for Low Power and Long-Range Networks, Funding agency, project duration, funding
A novel approach for identification of sensor devices through Acoustic PUF – Digital Threats: Research and Practice. Accepted on September 2021. Girish Vaidya, Prabhakar T.V., Nithish K Gnani, Ryan Shah, Shishir Nagaraja.
Judicious data management for sustaining an energy harvesting sensor node – Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 19 September 2020. Kaumudi Singh, Pratyush Shukla, S M Sachin, Nithish K Gnani, T. V. Prabhakar, Joy Kuri
Localization of Life Safety Vests in an Aircraft Using Backscattering RFID Communication K Singh, DN Tejeshwini, S Patel, S Sudhir, ZM Ahmed, TV Prabhakar, IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification 4 (3), 234-245
Understanding and Improving the Performance of Constructive Interference Using Destructive Interference in WSNs VS Rao, RV Prasad, TV Prabhakar, C Sarkar, M Koppal, I Niemegeers IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 27 (2), 505-517
Chief Research Scientist
Areas of Interest Communication Networks – Communication systems, sensor networks, energy harvesting systems. Education Ph.D....
Demand Management of scarce resources, Revenue management, Discrete optimization
MG 265 – Data Mining
Ph.D. (Industrial Engineering), Oklahoma State University, year
M.S. (Mechanical Engineering), Oklahoma State University, year
B.E. [Mechanical Engineering], University of Madras, year
A. Mukherjee and P. Ramachandran, “Development of New Index Based Supervised Algorithm for Separation of Built-Up and River Sand Pixels from Landsat7 Imagery: Comparison of Performance with SVM,” IGARSS 2022 – 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2022, pp. 3183-3186
Patel, S.S., Ramachandran, P. A bargaining model for sharing water in a river with negative externality. OPSEARCH 59, 645-666 (2022).
Vineeth V & Parthasarathy Ramachandran (2022) Components of urban ground water recharge in Bengaluru, India, Urban Water Journal, DOI:
Chopra, A., Ramachandran, P. Multidimensional analysis of water sector performance in India: an index approach. OPSEARCH 58, 109-124 (2021).
Professor & Chairman
Areas of Interest Demand Management of scarce resources, Revenue management, Discrete optimization Courses MG 265...
Flexible and Wearable Electronics
IN214 – Semiconductor Devices and Circuits
IN223 – Sensors
G1- Electronic Circuits
PhD, [Electrical and Computer Engineering], University of Waterloo, Canada, 2006
BTech, [Electrical Engineering], Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 2002
G. Saravanavel et al., “Sweet-Tooth: Resonators on Sugar,” in IEEE Journal on Flexible Electronics, doi:
G. Wyatt-Moon, G. Saravanavel, S. Sambandan and A. J. Flewitt, “Nanodiodes on a Digestible Substrate,” in IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 337-340, Feb. 2023.
R. Sinha, S. Sambandan and M. Shrivastava, “On the ESD behavior of a-Si:H based diode-connected thin- film transistors,” 2022 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE), Bangalore, India, 2022, pp. 1-5.
R. Sinha, S. Sambandan and M. Shrivastava, “On the ESD behavior of hydrogenated amorphous silicon based high-voltage TFTs,” 2022 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE), Bangalore, India, 2022, pp. 1-5.
Areas of Interest Flexible and Wearable Electronics Courses IN214 – Semiconductor Devices and Circuits IN223...
Quantum Physics – Foundations, Computation, Simulation, Communication
PhD, [Physics], University of Maryland, College Park, USA , year
BTech, [Engineering Physics], IIT Madras, year
A. Mamgain, S. S. Khaire, U. Singhal, I. Ahmad, L. A. Patel, K. D. Helambe, S. Majumder, V. Singh and B. Suri, “A review of developments in superconducting quantum processors”, J. Indian Inst. Sci.
Y. Lu, A. Bengtsson, J. J. Burnett, B. Suri, S. R. Sathyamoorthy, H. R. Nilsson, M. Scigliuzzo, J. Bylander, G. Johansson, P. Delsing, “Quantum efficiency, purity and stability of a tunable,narrowband microwave single-photon source”, npj Quantum Information 7, 140 (2021)
Y. Lu, A. Bengtsson, J. J. Burnett, E. Wiegand, B. Suri, P. Krantz, A. F. Roudsari, A. F. Kockum, S. Gasparinetti, G. Johansson, P. Delsing, “Characterising decoherence rates of a superconducting circuit by direct microwave scattering “, npj Quantum Information 7, 35 (2021).
A. V. Prabhu, B. Suri, C. M. Chandrashekar, “Hyperentanglement-enhanced quantum illumination”, Phys. Rev. A 103, 052608 (2021)
P. Y. Wen, O. V. Ivakhnenko, M. A. Nakonechnyi, B. Suri, J.-J. Lin, W.-J. Lin, J. C. Chen, S. N. Shevchenko, Franco Nori, and I.-C. Hoi, “Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg-Majorana interferometry of a superconducting qubit in front of a mirror” , Phys. Rev. B 102, 075448 (2020)
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest Quantum Physics – Foundations, Computation, Simulation, Communication Education PhD, [Physics], University of...
Advanced manufacturing and finishing processes, Experimental mechanics and metrology.
Theoretical methods in mechanics and physics
ME 261 Engineering Mathematics
ME228 Materials and Structure Property Correlation
ME291 Analysis of Manufacturing Process
ME304 Applied Mathematics for Mechanics
PhD, Purdue University, USA 2015
MS, Purdue University, USA 2014
BTech, MTech., IIT Madras, 2010
Deformation processing of lightweight structural metals: Correlating surface flow fields, energy dissipation and product quality through in situ analyses (DST SERB): 2019-2022.
Shear banding dynamics in structural alloys under impact loading (ISRO STC): 2019-2022
Modular Additive Manufacturing: Systems for hybrid and remanufacturing applications (MHRD IoE): 2019-2021
Ansari, A. & Viswanathan, K. (2022). Propagating Schallamach-type waves resemble interface cracks. Physical Review E (In Press).
Dhami, H. S., Panda, P. R. & Viswanathan, K. (2022). Production of powders for metal additive manufacturing applications using surface grinding. Manufacturing Letters (In Press).
Dhami, H. S., Panda, P. R., Mohanty, D. P. & Viswanathan, K. (2022). An Analytical Method for Predicting Temperature Rise Due to Multi-body Thermal Interaction in Deformation Processing. JOM, 74, 513-525
Gupta, D., Udupa, A., & Viswanathan, K. (2021). Evaluating performance metrics in non-homogeneous cutting processes using a random-grid based digital image correlation (DIC) method. Manufacturing Letters 30, 44-48.
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest Advanced manufacturing and finishing processes, Experimental mechanics and metrology. Theoretical methods in...
New Product Development, Entrepreneurship
New Product Development 1 (NPD1)
New Product Development 2 (NPD2)
Guest Faculty
Areas of Interest New Product Development, Entrepreneurship Courses New Product Development 1 (NPD1) New Product...
Aerospace and aviation, general management, program management, business strategy, organisational transformation, digitalisation & industry 4.0, engineering and information management, R&D and innovation, procurement and international cooperation.
PhD (Engineering), Darwin College, Cambridge University, UK, 1991
ME (Mechanical Engineering), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 1986
BSc (Mathematics), Madras University, Chennai, 1983
1. Dwarakanath S and K M Wallace, 1995, Decision Making in Design: Observations from Design Experiments, Journal of Engineering Design, 6(3), 191-206 (Invited paper)
2. Dwarakanath S and Lucienne Blessing, 1996, Ingredients of the design process: a comparison between group and individual work, Analysing Design Activity, Eds. N Cross, H Christiaans and K Dorst, JohnWiley and Sons, 93-116.
3. Dwarakanath S, Lucienne Blessing and K M Wallace, 1995, Descriptive studies: A starting point for research in Engineering Design, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, December 20-22.
4. Dwarakanath S and K M Wallace, 1995, Design Decision Making Process: Observations from individual and group design experiments, ICED ’95, Praha, Czec Republic, 2, 555-560.
5. Wallace K M and S Dwarakanath, 1994, Understanding Decision Making in Engineering Design, EPSRC Innovative Manufacturing Initiative, Nov., London, 40-50.
Professional Experience
2021 – present
Mentor & Independent consultant – Aerospace & Aviation; Guest Faculty, IIM-Bangalore
2019 – 2021
VP & Head of Eng. Procurement for Design, Mfg., Eng. & Customer Services, Airbus Group, Toulouse, France
President, Airbus Commercial Aircraft in India and Board Member, Airbus Group India, Delhi & Bangalore
CEO & MD, Airbus India Operations Pvt Ltd & its Board Member, Delhi & Bangalore
VP, Head of Strategy & International Cooperation – Asia-Pacific, Middle East & North Africa, Airbus, Toulouse, France and Bangalore
Country Manager – India, Airbus, Toulouse, France
Head of Solutions Product Line Management, Airbus, Toulouse, France
Information Systems – Head of Engineering Solutions (PDM & CAX), Airbus, Bristol, UK
Adjunct Faculty
Areas of Interest Aerospace and aviation, general management, program management, business strategy, organisational transformation, digitalisation...
Metal 3D Printing/Additive Engineering Solutions, Technology adoption and enterprise-level solutions in metal 3D printing; design & development through re-engineering for multifarious sectors including aeronautics, automotive defence, medical, space research, energy, manufacturing etc., leadership positions in research, academia and project in the areas of design and development of aero engines, digital manufacturing, structural integrity evaluation and experimental stress analysis, Thin film sensors.
PhD (Stereolithography), DRDO Research Centre VTU, Belgaum, 2009
DHRM, IGNOU, Delhi, 1994
MTech (Mechanical Engineering in Design), IIT Madras, Chennai, 1990
BE (Mechanical Engineering), NIT, Suratkal (KREC), 1984
Professional Experience
2019 – present
Program Director, AddWize Wipro 3D
2015 – 2019
Pro Vice Chancellor VTU & Visiting Professor – IIT Bombay Adjunct Professor Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan; Vel Tech University, Chennai & IIT Bombay Institutional Leadership, Research and Administration
Director (ESCI) to Director General IE(I), The Institution of Engineers (India), Hyderabad
Scientist B to Scientist G (Additional Director), Gas Turbine Research Establishment, (DRDO), Ministry of Defence Research, Defence Projects and Administration
Adjunct Faculty
Areas of Interest Metal 3D Printing/Additive Engineering Solutions, Technology adoption and enterprise-level solutions in metal...
Composite design and manufacturing, fracture and fatigue, process modeling, machining.
Aerospace Engineering, Auburn University, USA
PhD., [Mechanical Engineering], University of Washington, 2008
M.S., [Structural Engineering], University of Iowa, 2003
BTech., [Civil Engineering], Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 2001
Additive Manufacturing of Novel Structural Foam Composites for Durability and Damage Tolerance, DST, 99.43 Lakhs (2019 – 2022).
Analysis of polymer nanocomposites using nonlocal theories Co-Investigator, ISRO, 46.82 Lakhs, (2019 – 2022).
Micromechanics of damage development in ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) considering process defects – Phase III, Pratt & Whitney USA, $145,000 (USD), (2019-2022).
A. M. Nagaraja, S. Gururaja Progressive damage modeling in ceramic matrix mini-composites with thick interphases Journal of European Society of Ceramics, Vol. 43, Issue 10, pp. 4336-4348, 2023.
S. Kubher, S. Gururaja, and R. Zitoune Coupled thermo-mechanical modeling of drilling of multi-directional polymer matrix composite laminates, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 156, 106802 (14 pages), 2022.
J. R. Pothnis, D. Kalyanasundaram, and S. Gururaja Enhancement of open-hole tensile strength via alignment of carbon nanotubes infused in glass fiber – epoxy – CNT multi-scale composites, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 140, pp. 106155 (12 pages), 2021.
S. Bharath, D. Bonthu, S. Gururaja, P. Prabhakar and M. Doddamani Flexural response of 3D printed sandwich composite, Composite Structures, Vol. 263, Issue 1, pp. 113732 (15 pages), 2021.
Additional Information
Assosiate Professor, University of Auburn,
Associate Technical Editor, Machining Science and Technology, 2021 – present
Awards: Indian Society for Structural Integrity (InSIS) Young Scientist Award 2017-2018
Memberships in professional societies: Secretary, Thermomechanics Track, Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM), 2022-2024
Technical Committee Member, Structures, AIAA-SDM Conference, 2014-present
Director and Student Advisor, SAMPE, Alabama/Tennessee Chapter, 2021-present
Lab: Advanced Materials and Processing Lab (
Adjunct Faculty
Areas of Interest Composite design and manufacturing, fracture and fatigue, process modeling, machining. Education Aerospace...
Micro-nano manufacturing, modular-reconfigurable machines, additive manufacturing & tool design, injection molding, cost modeling, process selection, and manufacturability evaluation, and micro machines & smart manufacturing areas.
PhD (Mechanical Engineering), IIT Bombay, 2006
MTech (Tool Engineering), Govt. (Indo-Danish) Tool Room and Training Centre, Bangalore, 1997
BE (Mechanical Engineering), Bangalore University, 1992
Diploma in Mech. Engg., Government Polytechnic, Tumkur, Karnataka, 1988
Memberships & Recognition
1. Distinguished Scientist, Venus International Research Awards, 2017
2. Raman Research Fellowship 2013, CSIR, Govt. of India
3. BOYSCAST Fellowship, awarded by DST, Government of India. 2007
4. We Think for India award, as a one of the nine best teams prepared ‘The policy draft for National Manufacturing Sector’. The winning teams were honoured by ‘Prime Minister of India’ in May 2003
5. CSIR Technology Award, awarded for developing 35 HP tractors at CMERI, 2003
1. Nivedita P., Peuli N., Nagahanumaiah and Nripen C., 2020, Sustainable removal of arsenate, arsenite and bacterial contamination from water using biochar stabilized iron and copper oxide nanoparticles and associated mechanism of the remediation process, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 37, 101495.
2. Puja M., Samik D., Nagahanumaiah and Abhiram H., 2020, Separation of particles in spiral micro-channel using Dean’s fow fractionation, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2020, 42, 405
3. Debajyoti R., Asit B.P., and Nagahanumaiah, 2020, Experimental analysis on the quality aspects of micro-channels in mechanical micro milling of Zr-based bulk metallic glass, Measurement, 158(1), 2020.
4. Debajyoti R., Asit B.P., and Nagahanumaiah, Saurav H., 2020, Analysis on specific cutting energy in micro milling of bulk metallic glass, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 108(1), 2020, pp 245-261.
5. Ray A.B., Debajyoti P., and Nagahanumaiah, 2019, Investigation on Cutting Forces and Surface Finish in Mechanical Micro Milling of Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glass, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 18(1), 113-132.
Professional Experience
Director, Central Manufacturing Technology Institute, Bengaluru
Chief Scientist, CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Durgapur
Sr. Principal Scientist, CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Durgapur
Scientist- E-I, CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Durgapur
Scientist – C, CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Durgapur
1998-2001, Scientist – B, CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Durgapur
1998, Tool Design Engineer, Minda Huff Limited, Noida
1998, Senior Engineer – R&D, Continental Devices India Limited, New Delhi
1997-1998, Mech. Engineer – R&D, Namtech Electronic Devices Limited, Bangalore
Adjunct Faculty
Areas of Interest Micro-nano manufacturing, modular-reconfigurable machines, additive manufacturing & tool design, injection molding, cost...
Industrial IoT, AI/ML, engineering analytics, systems engineering, design innovation, industry 4.0, digitalization, smart manufacturing, smart mobility and UAVs.
PhD (Computer Engineering), Boston University, Boston, MA, 2000
MS (Computer Science), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, 1998
ME (Electrical Engineering), Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, 1992
BE (Electrical & Electronics Engineering), MIT/Mangalore University, 1990
Memberships & Recognition
1. Fellow of Institution of Engineers (India), 2018
2. Senior Member of IEEE Computer Society, 2007
3. Member of The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
4. TRIZ Level 1 MATRIZ certificate, 2017
5. Chairman, PRMC Dept of Heavy Industry, Government of India, 2019
6. Keynote presentations under DHI Samarth Udyog initiatives at IISc Bangalore, CMTI Bangalore, EPPC Kolkata, CMERI Durgapur and IIT Kharagpur
1. R. Srivastava, A. Patwari, S. Kumar, G. Mishra, L. Kaligounder and P. Sinha, Efficient characterization of tennis shots and game analysis using wearable sensors data, 2015, IEEE SENSORS, 2015, 1-4.
2. S. Daptardar, V. Lakshminarayanan, S. Reddy, S. Nair, S. Sahoo and P. Sinha, Hidden Markov Model based driving event detection and driver profiling from mobile inertial sensor data, 2015, IEEE SENSORS, 2015, 1-4.
3. R. Srivastava and P. Sinha, Hand Movements and Gestures Characterization Using Quaternion Dynamic Time Warping Technique, IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(5), 1333-1341.
4. Purnendu Sinha, 2013, Dynamic task-level reconfiguration in automotive software architectures. In Proceedings of the 6th India Software Engineering Conference (ISEC ’13). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 35-44.
5. Padmanabh K., Gupta A and Sinha P, 2013, An Efficient Method for Synchronizing Clocks of Networked ECUs in Automotive Systems. In: Hota C., Srimani P.K. (eds) Distributed Computing and Internet Technology. ICDCIT 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7753. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
(complete list of publications:
Professional Experience
2015 – present
Technology & Innovation Leader, Tata Sons, Group Technology & Innovation Office, Bangalore
2012 – 2015
Group Engineering Manager, Part Leader IoT Analytics, Advanced Research Lab, Samsung R&D Institute India, Bangalore (SRI-B)
2008 – 2012
Lab Group Manager and Staff Researcher, Electrical & SW Architecture (ESA) Group, India Science Lab (ISL), General Motors R&D, Bangalore
2005 – 2008
Principal Scientist and Cluster Leader, Philips Research, Philips Innovation Campus, Bangalore
Adjunct Faculty
Areas of Interest Industrial IoT, AI/ML, engineering analytics, systems engineering, design innovation, industry 4.0, digitalization,...
Technology collaboration, strategic alliances, project management, greenfield ventures, industrial product marketing, product innovation, Gemba kaizen, quality management, world class manufacturing, lean & JIT practices, skilling initiatives, digital manufacturing, team building, operational excellence, MSME clusters, industry 4.0, aerospace & precision engineering, and strategic analysis.
MBA (Business Administration and Management) Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta
Graduate (Mechanical Engineering) National Institute of Technology (NIT) Tiruchirappalli
Professional Experience
2017 – present
Director, Bangalore Aerospace Consultants Pvt Ltd;
CEO, ANCM Management Consultants; Board Member, STARRAG India
2010 – 2017
MD, Starrag India Pvt. Ltd
2004 – 2010
CEO, Makino India Pvt. Ltd
2003 – 2004
MD, Lapp India Pvt. Ltd
2000 – 2002
MD, Cooper Bussmann Inc.
1996 – 2000
Business Head (GM, Division of Amtrex Hitachi Appliances Ltd), Hitachi Home & Life Solutions (India) Ltd
1985 – 1995
Operations Manager, Ponds India Ltd, Unilever
1979 – 1981
Graduate Engineer, Tata Motors, Pune
Mentors from Practice in Manufacturing
Areas of Interest Technology collaboration, strategic alliances, project management, greenfield ventures, industrial product marketing, product...
Designpreneur, UX strategist, design blogger, product designer, user research, design thinking, user experience design, visual design, logo design, graphic design, advertising & branding, conversation UX design, hackathons & pitches, and design strategy, mentoring design teams.
MDes (Product Design & Engineering), CPDM, IISc Bangalore, 2010
BTech (Electronics & Communication Engineering), University of Calicut, 2000
Professional Experience
2020 – present
Senior Consultant, Global Design Thinking Practice, TCS Interactive, Tata Consultancy Services
2016 – 2020
Head of Design, DesignLAB, TCS Interactive, Kochi Tata Consultancy Services
2013 – 2016
UX Strategist, DesignLAB, TCS Digital Enterprise, Kochi Tata Consultancy Services
2011 – 2013
Lead – User Experience Design, DesignLAB, TCS Digital Enterprise, Kochi, Tata Consultancy Services
Mar 2011 – Nov 2011
UI Designer, OnMobile
Aug 2010 – Mar 2011
UI Analyst, CheeseCare
2005 – 2008
Specialist – Design & Development, Automotive Electronics Design,
Tata Elxsi Ltd, Kerala, India
2001 – 2005
Design Engineer – Electronics @ NeST R&D Centre SFO Technologies, Kerala, India
Mentors from Practice in Design
Areas of Interest Designpreneur, UX strategist, design blogger, product designer, user research, design thinking, user...
Technopreneur, product design engineering, clinical observation, need-finding, solutions development, regulatory clearance, bridging the world of medical and engineering, interacting with physicians, engineers, and enterprisers to develop medical devices that are safe, affordable, and accessible.
Biodesign Innovation Fellowship, Stanford University, Stanford-India Biodesign Program at AIIMS-Delhi, 2012
MDes (Product Design and Engineering), CPDM, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2000
BE (Production Engineering), Shivaji University, KBP College of Engineering and Polytechnic, Satara, 1992
Diploma (Production Technology Board of Technical Examination), Mumbai, KBP College of Engineering and Polytechnic, Satara, 1989
Professional Experience
2013 – present
Founder and Managing Director, Indio Labs Private Limited, Bangalore ( – A medtech start-up working on platform technology of soft tissue core biopsy system
2013 – present
Co-Founder and Director, Research & Design, Omya Healthcare Limited, Bangalore ( – a medical device start-up focused on development of intensive care devices with in-house R&D, manufacturing, marketing, sales and service
2012 – 2013
Fellow at the Stanford-India Biodesign Program
2005 – 2011
General Manager and COO, Geneva Innovations International Ltd, Bangalore
2002 – 2005
Manager – Design & Development, Geneva Industries Ltd (Formerly: Geneva Finepunch Enclosures Ltd) 1998 – 2000
Assistant Manager – Design & Development, VIP Industries Ltd. (Formerly: Universal Luggage Mfg. Co. Ltd) Satara
Mentors from Practice in Design
Areas of Interest Technopreneur, product design engineering, clinical observation, need-finding, solutions development, regulatory clearance, bridging...
User experience design, leading and mentoring design teams, social innovation, education and teaching methods
Master of Design (M Des) 2004 Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Bachelor of Engineering 2000 VIT – University of Pune
Professional Experience
July 2021 – present
UX Architect, Google India Pvt Ltd
2014 – present
Founder & Director, Being Volunteer Foundation (
Mar 2021 – July 2021
Senior Staff Product Designer, Servicenow India Pvt Ltd
July 2017 – Mar 2021
Product Design Manager, VMWare India Pvt Ltd
Jan 2016 – July 2017
Technical Director- UX, Globant India Pvt Ltd
Oct 2013 – Jan 2016
Principal UX Designer/ UX Manager, Symantec India Pvt Ltd
Dec 2012 – Oct 2013
Lead User Experience Designer, NVIDIA Graphics Pvt Ltd
April 2010 – Dec 2012
Sr. User Experience Designer, Symantec India Pvt Ltd
April 2007 – Mar 2010
User Experience Designer, Tech Mahindra Ltd
Oct 2005 – Mar 2007
Industrial Designer & Usability Analyst, TATA Motors Ltd
Mentors from Practice in Design
Areas of Interest User experience design, leading and mentoring design teams, social innovation, education and...
Design entrepreneur, product visualization & styling, product design, design sketching, clay modeling, prototyping, scale modelling, assistance in setting up design studios/clay studios.
BE (Production Engineering), BIT Sindri, 1998
MDes (Product Design and Engineering), IISc Bangalore, 2000
MA Automotive design, Coventry University UK, 2006
Professional Experience
2018 – present
Founder, Naaya Studio (, India’s first and only ceramic lamp manufacturer from among a handful in the world.
2014 – present
Founder, Skillsupplies Retail Pvt Ltd ( which caters to specialized needs of raw material and stationery for design, art and craft.
2011 – present
Founder, Design Skillset ( offers/conducts training in the field of clay model making, prototyping, scale modelling, design sketching etc., in institutes and independent studios.
2007 – 2013
Support specialist/presale, India, Autodesk design products Tata Elxsi Ltd
2004 – 2005
Design Support, General Motors India
Designer, Punjab Tractors Ltd, Mohali, Punjab
Mentors from Practice in Design
Areas of Interest Design entrepreneur, product visualization & styling, product design, design sketching, clay modeling,...
Product UX/UI design, design methodology & research, information architecture, creative designer, observation, storytelling, problem identification and cognitive psychology, ergonomics, web/mobile application design and development.
MDes, Product Design and Engineering, CPDM, IISc, Bangalore, 2016
BTech, Computer Science and Engineering, Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, 2010
Professional Experience
2021 – present
Senior Interaction Designer, Airmeet Inc
2020 – 2021
Senior User Experience Designer, Roposo, Glance
2018 – 2020
Senior Product Designer, Capillary Technologies
2018 – 2020 (Part-time)
User Experience Design Advisor, Lazy Co., a start-up that launched Aina Ring, world’s first AI wearable.
Design Lead,
Software Engineer & Web Developer, Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd
Mentors from Practice in Design
Areas of Interest Product UX/UI design, design methodology & research, information architecture, creative designer, observation,...
Prof Arakeri’s group applies experimental and computational methods to solve fluid mechanics problems.
Areas of Interest Prof Arakeri’s group applies experimental and computational methods to solve fluid mechanics...
Kinematics, dynamics, control and design of robots and other computer-controlled mechanical systems, Theoretical and numerical investigations of non-linear dynamical systems, Kinematics of parallel mechanisms and manipulators, Design of mechanical systems,
Biomedical devices, CAD/CAM
- ME 240 Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems
- ME 246 Introduction to Robotics
- PD 229 Computer Aided Product Design
PhD, Stanford University, California, 1986
MS, University of Florida at Gainesville, Florida, 1982
BTech, IIT Kanpur, 1980
Research Interests Kinematics, dynamics, control and design of robots and other computer-controlled mechanical systems, Theoretical...
Principal Research Scientist
Professor +91 – 8023600810
Project Management, Entrepreneurship, Knowledge Management, and Management of Innovation, Intellectual Property, and Technology Transfer.
PD 209 Product Planning and Marketing
MG 286 Project Management
MG 298 Entrepreneurship
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (B.Tech. Hons)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL. USA (MS)
University of California at Davis, CA. USA (Ph.D).
Research & consultancy projects completed:
Five Research Projects and Nine Consultancy Projects Brief details are as follows:
Research Projects
IT Needs in Mfg; Social and Tech. Contexts of Entrepreneurial Emergence; Needs, Usages, and Effectiveness of KM Techniques; Technical Technical Advice Guidance for over 12 Clients; Restructuring and Strengthening Corporate R&D at NTPC; Web- Based Learning
Collaborative Projects
Social and Technological Contests of Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurial Emergence in Bangalore
Representing the Needs, Usages, and Effectiveness of Knowledge Management Techniques in Infrastructure Projects
A Knowledge Management Model for the Bangalore Namma Metro
Chairman, IP TeL, and Principal Research Scientist, Management
Areas of Interest Project Management, Entrepreneurship, Knowledge Management, and Management of Innovation, Intellectual Property, and...
Design Methodology
Creative Engineering Design
BE Mechanical Engineering (1963) Mysore University
ME Machine Design (1966) IISc
PhD Mechanisms (1982) IISc
Professor and Founding Chairman
Areas of Interest Mechanisms Robotics Design Methodology Courses Creative Engineering Design Education BE Mechanical Engineering...