Position: Assistant Professor
Categories: Core Faculty, Faculty

Areas of Interest

Core Engineering Area (Electronics and Instrumentation): Analogue and digital electronics, Power electronics, Embedded systems, Sensory and actuatory systems, Control systems, Spatiotemporal signal processing
Interdisciplinary Engineering Area: Haptics, Biomedical engineering, Point-of-care technologies, Rehabilitation engineering, Mechatronics, Robotics, IoT, Renewable energy systems, Distributed transduction
Basic Science Area (Physiology and Psychology): Physiological modeling especially related to biological sensory systems, Lumped parameter modeling of bio-electrical and bio-mechanical systems, Electrophysiology, Psychophysics.


PD230 Haptic Systems Design (Elective)
PD236 Embodiment Design
PD204 Basics of Electronics for Product Design & Manufacturing
PD206 Basics of Comp. AI & Data Sc. for Design & Manufacturing


PhD (Applied Mechanics), IIT Madras, 2015
ME (Biomedical Engg.), Jadavpur University, 2008
BTech (Electronics & Instrumentation), Univ. of Kalyani, 2006


Industrial projects:
CNBP Tracking Device Suitable for ICU (Dynocardia)
Solar MPPT Charge Controller (Abhipsita Technologies)
Wireless EMG Monitor for Sports (Abhipsita Technologies)
Wireless EEG Monitor for Gaming (Merkel Haptic Systems)
Efficient Industrial and Street Lights (Gears Energy Solutions)
Decorative and Signboard Lights (Gears Energy Solutions)
Upto16-DoF Haptic Device Driver (Markel Haptic Systems)
Robotic Vacuum Cleaner (Robhatah Robotic Solutions)
Academic Projects:
Tactile Blood Pressure Imaging (MIT & Tufts, Funded by NIH)
Neurophysiological Modeling of Pacinian Corpuscle (IITM)
Navigational Aid for Blind People (Jadavpur University)
Bipedal Motion of Humanoid Robot (University of Kalyani)



Professional Experience

Chief of R&D & Founder, Abhipsita Technologies, Kolkata, IN
Chief of R&D and Founding Member, Dynocardia, MA, USA
Chief of R&D, Merkel Haptic Systems, Chennai, IN
Sr. Scientist (Part-Time), IC&SR IIT Madras, Chennai, IN
Postdoc Research Associate, RLE & CSAIL MIT, MA, USA
GM R&D, Gears Energy Solutions, Jaipur, IN
Sr. R&D Eng., Robhatah Robotic Solutions, Bangalore, IN