Position: Professor & Chairman
Categories: Core Faculty, Faculty
Areas of Interest

Design Synthesis and Creativity Eco-Design and Sustainability AI and Data Analytics Product Informatics Smart Manufacturing Biomedical Devices Sensors/Actuators


PD203 Creative Engineering Design
PD221 Methodology for Design Research


BE (Mechanical Engineering): IIEST, Shibpur, India
ME (Mechanical Systems Design): IISc, Bangalore, India
PhD (Engineering Design): University of Cambridge, UK


(Some of the Current Projects):
Sustainable Manufacturing (Boeing)
Network-Enabled Manufacturing (Boeing)
Biomedical Devices (DBT)
Devices for the Elderly (DST)
Rationale Capture for Space Mechanisms (ISRO)


See list of publications in IdeasLab website:

Professional Experience

Design Engineer, Hindustan Motors, Kolkata
Research Associate, U of Cambridge, UK
Senior Research Associate, U of Cambridge, UK

Collaborative Projects

International Project on Cultures of Creativity (with U of Northumbria, UK, Sapienza U of Rome, Italy, Carleton U, Canada)
Indo-US Center of Excellence on Sustainable Manufacturing (with UC Berkeley, NIST, Washington State U, Syracuse U, CSTEP Bangalore, IIM Ahmedabad, National Innovation Foundation)