Phone: +91 - 0
Categories: Alumni, Researchers

Areas of Interest

Multimodal Interaction, Virtual Reality, Applied Machine Learning.

About me

PhD Student in Human Computer Interaction with a bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and two years of work experience in Automotive Electronics. Currently working on developing novel interaction systems for VR and building usable multimodal interfaces. Ambidextrous, Amateur in Playing Guitar and Unpublished Writer.

Publications / Projects

1. Shree, D. V., Murthy, L. R. D., Saluja, K. S., & Biswas, P. (2018). Operating Different Displays in Military Fast Jets Using Eye Gaze Tracker. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 8(1), 31.
2. Mukhopadhyay, A., Murthy, L. R. D., Arora, M., Chakrabarti, A., Mukherjee, I., & Biswas, P. (2019). PCB Inspection in the Context of Smart Manufacturing. In Research into Design for a Connected World (pp. 655-663). Springer, Singapore.
3. Prabhakar, G., Ramakrishnan, A., Madan, M., Murthy, L. R. D., Sharma, V. K., Deshmukh, S., & Biswas, P. (2019). Interactive gaze and finger controlled HUD for cars. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 1-21.


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