Categories: Alumni, M.Des, M.Des-2023

Areas of Interest

Tangible Product Design, Assistive devices, Healthcare innovation

About me

I am passionate about designing tangible products, and wish to make big changes by solving small problems with the simplest products. I persevere to design products in a such a way that form naturally follows function and invokes the user’s natural intuition on usage. Having learnt the importance of good opportunity identification, I am always in the lookout for voids that can be filled with innovation! At CPDM, I am currently equipping myself with the design, technical and entrepreneurship acumen required to launch well-targeted, marketable, problem-solving, successful products.


Ritu – Ergonomic hand tool to help women with one functional hand use sanitary pads
Maalish – Head massage and headache relief device
Shunya – A circular economy approach for chips bag packaging (Wege Design challenge)
WFB – An ergonomic work desk for the bed
Magna – A handwashing station for makeshift habitats (UNICEF & FICCI funded project) Design of mechanical harness controlled prosthetic arms (Grasp Bionics)
Design of training device for prosthetists (Grasp Bionics)
Alone – A device to tackle loneliness in the elderly (2nd runner’s up -Siemens Health Hackathon 2022)
Bedpan redesign (ongoing)
Kazhi making machine (ongoing)

Product design internship @ Grasp Bionics
Vocational training @ ITR (DRDO)
Hospital training @ Rela Institute of Medical Sciences
Internship @ Biomedical Ultrasound lab IITM

+91 – 7550046999