Eye-gaze controlled desktop robotic arm for the rehabilitation of users with Severe Speech and Motor Impairment (SSMI)

Project title: Eye-gaze controlled desktop robotic arm for the rehabilitation of users with Severe Speech and Motor Impairment (SSMI)
Team: Anugya Singh, Tejas Mahadev
Project guide: Prof. Pradipta Biswas

 About the project:

People with Severe Speech and Motor Impairment (SSMI) need assistance of either a guardian/parent or Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) devices to perform tasks of daily activities. These methods are tedious and inaccurate. This not only hinders the people with SSMI to express their own self, but also becomes a hurdle to use their skills for social communication and creativity. To counter this problem, we made an eye-gazed controlled desktop robotic system which will allow our users to do activities of basic 2D visual art forms of block printing and line drawing. This device will help our users for their rehabilitation through creation of art.