Phone: +91 - 0
Categories: Alumni, M.Des, M.Des-2023

Areas of Interest

Product Design | Design Research | Design for XR | New Product Development | Product Strategy

About me

Diverge Converge Evaluate Repeat


1. Assistive Robotics for Severely Motor Impaired (Thesis Project) – Human Computer Interface
2. Visual Ergonomics of calligraphy and non calligraphy devanagari typeface for digital and print media – Design Research
3. Interactive and Sustainable Hand Washing with Soap Station – UNICEF National Hand Hygiene Hackathon
4. OrthoMedics: Physiotherapy Equipment – New Product Development
5. DeskBuddy: Robotic Toy for working adults – Product Strategy
6. Zombie Health: Digital Platform for Mental Health Counselling – UX Design
7. Woof: A dog health and nutrition tracking product – UX Design and Embodiment Design
8. Innovative Waste Bin – Creative Engineering Design

Past Experience
Product Design Intern at Mimyk Medical Simulations Pvt. Ltd
Product Design and Strategy Intern at Minigram Design Studio.
Research & Development Consultant for Polfrost Aircon Private Limited


+91 – 0