32nd Distinguished lecture

32nd Distinguished lecture on Advanced Design and Manufacturing

Title: (Re)Moving Boundaries: Deep Knowledge, Transdisciplinarity, and Design
Date, time & venue: 08 December 2023, 16:00-17:00 , MMCR, Department of Design and Manufacturing (Erstwhile CPDM)
Speaker: Professor Lucienne Blessing
Abstract: The issues society is facing consist of a large number of overlapping and interconnected problems. Addressing these requires an inquiry-driven rather than exclusively discipline-driven approach. Moving boundaries within one’s disciplinary field is no longer sufficient. Industry and academia need to move or even remove the boundaries between fields. Multi- and interdisciplinarity only provide partially support. An approach that transcends the disciplines is required. The presentation will discuss the features, potential, and challenges of a transdisciplinary approach in research, practice, and education.